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Aug 30, 2021

Against all the odds, at the edge of the galaxy, it seems the ghosts of J'Ren's past may have caught up to him. What happened to his former ship? And what price may need to be paid to get it back?

Presenting episode 15 of the Coldfire Chronicles!

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Aug 16, 2021

Somehow transported to the far side of the galaxy from Port Haven, on a ship held together by little more than faith and Lasa's implacable will, our heroes will need to call on old allies if the wish to get to Pyjak before it's too late...

Presenting episode 14 of the Coldfire Chronicles!

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Aug 2, 2021

While our heroes take a brief respite from existence, we take the opportunity to check in on their morality scores and talk through some of the choices made on Port Haven. Then, our heroes reappear. But where? And what was the cost of their escape? An episode full of questions awaits...

Presenting episode 13 of the...